
Like Safety in Design – Net Zero in Design is just part of the way BGER does business. From the moment we are engaged, be it at concept stage or commissioning and operational, the team is always on the lookout for ways of reducing energy demand and cost while thinking of more innovative methods to supply power to the project.


To ensure we always provide value add design input we utilise world leading processes and tools. Our Total Energy Solution Optimisation (TESO) tool enables us to rapidly and iteratively model both demand and supply sides of the energy equation. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) allows us to model and improve all impacts associated with a project or process over its complete lifecycle ensuring Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions are optimised without uncertainty or compromise.


Backed by international standards and decades of experience, the process and tools we utilise provide our clients with solid industry benchmarks to target and report against. The outcomes are quantifiable, repeatable and will hold up to the ever increasing scrutiny both regulatory and public.

Owned by BG&E Resources

Leaders in engineering energy solutions to maximise financial return, minimise supply risk and improve outcomes.

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